So you have a lot of web site submissions in your mail box... how do you process them into something useful. Mail Convert will convert your web site form submissions into a usable text file format. The text file can then be imported
into any application supporting tab delimited text. (
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This version has been completely redesigned from the ground up. It was built using
Real Basic. There
is a known conflict between apps built with Real Basic and the Instant Palm Desktop so we recommend you disable
that extension before running this application.
New Features:
- Updated with Universal Binary support
- Tabbed Interface
- Applescript Support
- Drag and Drop Support
- Built in Field Editor
- Online Update Checker
- Integrated help system
- Appearance Manager Compliant
- Uses Navigation Services
- Status indicator when processing file
- Purchase option to direct you to a web site to purchase immediately
- More...
Download Mail Convert 2.7.3 (Universal Binary)